Protecting Your Eyes from the Cold: Say Goodbye to Watery Eyes!
Cold, smog, and dust can cause inflammation or irritation to our eyes. When winter temperatures drop below 5 degrees, eyes are more prone to watering.
When the tear film comes into contact with an irritant, it reacts by producing tears to expel the cause of the inflammation and restore the protective layer.
Specifically, the tears our eyes produce consist of two layers: a watery layer and an oily layer, which prevents the water from evaporating.
In 80% of cases, an imbalance in the oily layer leads to water absorption and, consequently, eye dehydration. As a result, eyes become irritated and tear excessively.
Excessive tearing is one of the most common discomforts during winter. Here are some tips to help manage and reduce excess tear production:
Eye health is closely linked to proper nutrition. Foods rich in omega-3s (oily fish and salmon) and vitamins C and E (citrus fruits, colorful fruits, leafy green vegetables) provide excellent support for maintaining good vision.
Excessive tearing can also trigger the urge to rub your eyes. Be mindful of hand hygiene, as hands can easily transfer germs.
For quick and lasting relief, a specific medical device can be helpful.
**Eyegiene®**, a sterile gauze pad soaked in a solution of natural ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, chamomile, and helichrysum, is formulated by Welcare laboratories to provide an immediate and long-lasting sense of relief. It helps reduce tearing, redness, dryness, and eye discomfort caused by wind, cold, and temperature changes.
Designed for cleaning the eye and periocular area, **Eyegiene®** is also recommended for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, styes, and blepharitis. It is available for purchase online on our website.